truth table

英 [truːθ ˈteɪbl] 美 [truːθ ˈteɪbl]

网络  真值表; 真理値表; 真假值表; 真表; 运算表也即真值表



  1. Truth Table Generator For Boolean Expres-This program creates truth tables from boolean expressions.
  2. Assistance Design of the PLC Ladder Diagram of First Answer Device with the Truth Table
  3. It is the same pattern of1's and0's as seen in the truth table for an OR gate.
  4. If you see a premise here and a premise here-sorry lets do it this way. I am going to draw a truth table.
  5. An in-circuit tester tests a digital IC using the IC's truth table.
  6. On truth table format and pre-processing in system restructure
  7. The Boolean operator that gives a truth table value of true only when both of the variables connected by the logical operator are true.
  8. The design task is largely to determine what type of circuit will perform the function described in the truth table.
  9. A Boolean operator that gives a truth table value of true if only one of the two variables it connects is true.
  10. In designing digital circuits, the designer often begins with a truth table describing what the circuit should do.
  11. Truth table, value assignment of reduction to absurdity, truth tree, deductive argumentation and normal form etc. are the methods of judging ( or proving) tautology in propositional calculus of mathematical logic, but not that of judging inference formula in traditional propositional logic.
  12. By analy-zing the relations of the three positions, a truth table is given, from which the VHDL program is made.
  13. To analyze General Encoder with variable repelling's theory of the logic function, this article solves difficulty and tedious of tabulating truth table, makes the analysis of the General Encoders more simple and more standard.
  14. To support the truth table method, the properties of the minimal form are cited. Besides, it proves the theorem of the main disjunctive normal form of seeking G with the definition of formula equality.
  15. Using a truth table is one of the important ways for proposition logic.
  16. Adopting complementary-encoding of light intensity and volume holography, a content-addressable optical holography truth table look-up system based on the NAND operation is structured.
  17. A complete new stream key generator is proposed in this paper with the truth table of Boolean functions.
  18. A method of simplifying three-valued T-gate combinational networks& the truth table splitting method
  19. This paper presents multiple-valued logic variable comparison principle including the circuit construction block diagram, working principle, truth table, and characteristic equation of 10-valued D flip flop based on above discussion.
  20. For diagnosing the multiple-fault more effectively, this paper provides a new method for digital circuit fault diagnosis by using the fault truth table to token the circuit information in the state of fault and free-fault.
  21. Discuss the relation between encoder truth table and logical expression
  22. The paper introduces several methods of proof about formula implication: truth table method; equivalent performing mathematical calculations method; direct method;
  23. In the paper the first truth table of J-K flip-flop for the 2~ 3-valued logical system is presented followed by a logical network design which facilitates a further application to 2~ 3-valued discrete numerical system, such as data processing and information transmission etc.
  24. The logical feature of Searle operations is discussed, an intricate truth table is given, and by using an analytic method of Boolean logic, a series of EXCLUSIVE-OR logical transforming formulas of Searle operations,, and, etc is presented.
  25. Through to the encoder truth table characteristic analysis, has obtained the direct writing logical expression concrete method using the Karnaugh map most minor term merge rule.
  26. Truth Table and Hypothetical Proposition
  27. The normal form theories can keep the intuition relationship between the Complete Normal Form and the Truth Table, which only keeps in classical 2-valued logic system. The tableau system can act as the automated reasoning system in incomplete information environments.
  28. For the software, the Gray code truth table of six-meter is deduced in accordance with Gray code, rank size of double photoelectric tube and positional information of character wheel black and white items.
  29. The most basic properties of Boolean functions are their truth table, weights and nonlinearity.